Friday, April 28, 2006


Hahas, its damn weird i suck at warcraft

i admit, i play it just to kill time and socialise.

Played a game with a american just, hahas

pretty cool got to know each other's life

in 45 mins. His name is Dan, not Daniel

but just Dan, he is 18 years old, schooling

three times a week and working 4 times

a week. No family surviving on his own

really independent i must say, hahas

and he has a date tomorrow with a girl

he liked for three months now.

Wish him the best of luck.. "

Enough said about him, lets talk about

my interesting life. I learn a new word

today, Homies and amigo learn it from

tt chap. Homies is bro and amigo is friend.

Okay thats all for intersting life.

Notice the yellow?

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